
Dear Parents,

First and foremost at ABC Baby Water, our goal is provide you the utmost assurance that this product is 100% safe for your child. We understand the important role that water plays in the health and well-being of infants and young children. That's why we are dedicated to providing the purest, safest water for your little ones, conveniently!

As a family-owned and operated company, we take our responsibility to families very seriously. It is important to note that the quality and safety of our bottled water is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States. They have strict guidelines in place to ensure that the water is safe to drink. We are committed to using the highest quality processes and standards to ensure that our water meets the strictest purity guidelines. 

Distilled water is made by boiling water and collecting the steam that is produced. This steam is then condensed and the resulting liquid is considered to be pure water, free from impurities and minerals.

Our team is passionate about helping families provide the best care for their children, and we are proud to offer a product that we believe in. We hope that you will trust us to be a part of your family's journey to optimal health and wellness.

Thank you,

The ABC Baby Water Team